Common sense leadership

About Scott

Scott’s extensive criminal law experience, coupled with his private practice management and military background make him specially qualified, and a perfect fit to serve as Dubuque County Attorney. He will use his extensive experience to mentor the younger attorneys in the office to make them better trial lawyers who can get convictions rather than acquittals.

Scott intends to implement needed changes in the office to effectuate smarter and efficient operations. He can accomplish more with less. He is a fiscal hawk who will be a steward of the taxpayer’s money and who will deliver more bang for the taxpayer’s buck. The taxpayers of Dubuque County deserve nothing less.

Scott Nelson is a man of principle, integrity and honor.

Scott is a defender of the Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment. He supports legal and responsible gun ownership as well as the right to self-defense; however, Scott intends to work vigorously towards eliminating irresponsible and illegal gunfire in the streets.The citizens of Dubuque County deserve to feel safe on the streets of our communities and Scott will work tirelessly with Law Enforcement to sweep illegal guns from the streets and make our streets safe again.

Scott will focus on aggressively prosecuting violent crimes involving weapons and/or injuries, such as home invasions, robberies and assaults with weapons. We should not have to fear for our safety in our own homes or walking down the street.

Scott will focus on eliminating drug trafficking in our communities. Heroin is making a comeback and opioid abuse is on the rise. Methamphetamine and fentanyl are flooding into our communities in dangerous quantities, all placing young people at risk of addiction, which aside from being physically and mentally destructive, turns our youth into thieves and criminals to support their addictions. Scott will push for educating the youth of the county on the dangers of drugs and drug addiction in an effort to get them to resist the pressures and enticements which start them down the road of addiction in the first place. More importantly, Scott intends to work assiduously with the Drug Task Force and Law Enforcement to aggressively interdict the flow of drugs into our communities. To fight a war on drugs, Scott’s military leadership is needed.

Scott believes mental health is an issue in need of a solution. Clearly, the criminal justice system is not equipped to properly address mental illness. Prison and jail are simply not a deterrent to the mentally ill. The afflicted return to the courts over and over, while the traditional treatment facilities have been shuttered. Though this is a political issue which needs to be solved through the legislative efforts, Scott will press the issue wherever possible in an effort to find a solution wherein the mentally ill can be treated and the community can remain safe.

Scott is an independent thinker, beholding to no one but the people of Dubuque County. Scott will always be open to new ideas, suggestions, concerns and criticism from the people of our wonderful communities. His door will always be open. He believes in accountability and responsibility, will convict murderers and will not dismiss human trafficking cases. He will work with victims and their families to ensure justice is done.

Scott asks for your support and your vote in November, and together we can make the necessary changes to move the County Attorney’s Office in new directions, and elevate it to new levels, away from the same old tired ideas, to a smart and efficient office serving the people of Dubuque County.


Scott J. Nelson

Lives In: Dubuque, Iowa

Profession: Attorney-
Hammer/Simon and Jensen 1991-2005
Nelson Law Office 2005-present

Licensed in Iowa and Illinois
Trial practice both criminal and civil, State and Federal

Family: 2 Children, 2 grandchildren

Education: Buena Vista University BA- 1988
Double major History/Politico-economic systems

University of Iowa College of Law – Juris Doctorate 1991

Military: United States Navy 1977-1983
Two Western Pacific Deployments
Squadron VS-21 aboard USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63)
USS Ranger (CV-61)
Charter member of Persian Gulf Yacht Club as 1st response to Iranian Hostage crisis in 1979

Iowa Army National Guard 1986-1992
Headquarters Battery 1st/194 Field Artillery, Storm Lake
109th Medical Battalion, Iowa City

Life member of Veterans of Foreign Wars
Member of the American Legion

Hobbies: Licensed private pilot, motorcycling, golf, painting, photography, metal working, and reading.


Help Scott make the changes necessary to serve the people of Dubuque County as they deserve. Public safety must come first.

Nelson for County Attorney

3003 Asbury Road, Suite 1
Dubuque, IA 52001


Violent crime

Violent crime is up all across the country. Up 35% in Chicago, 33% in Minneapolis, 41% in New York and a whopping 207% in Portland. The murder rate is the …


It wasn’t that long ago that the drug task force was chasing meth cooks through the back woods who manufactured 8-12 grams of poor quality product per cook. Now high …